Online Dating for the Single Woman
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Online Dating for the Single 30 Something Woman

Life isn't fair. Men get all the breaks. You've devoted all of your 20's to getting your career off the ground. Not that you haven't been dating... you have, but not seriously. Now here you are, 30 something and there is no long term relationship in sight. You can actually hear your biological clock ticking. You have a precious few years to find a man to fall in love with, make him fall in love with you, get married, and have a baby or its lights out. You already know all of the men in your social circle. Not that they aren't nice guys... some of them... but none of them are your soul mate. What's a girl to do?

Consider online dating. You have the opportunity to read hundreds of profiles and look at hundreds of pictures in search of that "someone" that will be right for you. Maybe he will live in the same city you do, maybe he will live across the country or even in another country altogether. You aren't limited to only those men that you come in contact with personally. The possibilities are almost endless.

"Is online dating safe", you ask. "Aren't the online dating sites made up entirely of perverts, sexual predators and weirdoes in assorted shapes and sizes?" the answer is, no they aren't. It is absolutely true that when online dating sites first started they were populated entirely by this kind of people but that is no longer true. Online dating has gone mainstream and has lost all the social stigma it once suffered.
Single people of all ages, races, religions and both sexes do it. Short people, tall people, thin people, obese people do it. People from every developed country in the world do it. Nice girls do it, too. The reasons people join online dating sites are as varied as the people who join but mostly they join for three very good reasons: Time, Money and It works.

Time: You can go through hundreds of online profiles and look at hundreds of pictures in the same length of time only one real world date takes and the screening is already done for you. You can tell right away if a guy is only looking for casual relationships or long term commitments. How many times have you worked 8 hours, gone home and spent another hour getting ready to go out then gone to the local hang-out for singles only to see the same old jerks, losers and drunks that are always there?

Money: For the price of one evening out on the town you can enjoy an entire month of meeting men from the safety of your own home. Do it in your jammies or sweats and with a beauty facial working its magic.

It works. It really does work if you are willing to do the right things. Write a profile that grabs attention, post recent pictures of yourself, be fun and interesting while chatting with the men you meet on line, answering emails promptly and being on time for a pre-arranged online meeting.

Give it a try, Mr. Right might be a few mouse clicks away.

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