Mr. Perfect Does Not Exist
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Mr. Perfect Does Not Exist!

The sooner you realize this sad but true fact, the sooner you can get on with finding Mr. Close-Enough-To-Perfect. Prince Charming, riding on a white stallion, lost his way or found Princess Charming and got married on his way to your castle. Get over it and get on with it. You ARE going to have to actively seek the man of your dreams and you won't find him hiding under your bed. You already know that he isn't among the men that you are acquainted with so, now what? Online dating is "what".

It's true that online dating, while in its infancy, was only made up of perverts, sexual predators, nerds and weirdoes but that is no longer true. It has become the main tool of the single person in every developed country in the world. Forty million people can't all be wrong. Ask your girl friends if they have ever used online dating or are using it now. If they are honest with you, most of them have or are now members of at least one online dating site and maybe more than one. It really is the way to go to meet eligible men who want to meet you. It doesn't matter what any of your numbers are... like age, height, weight or income either. Somewhere out there in the big wide world there is a man who will like you... then love you... and think that you are beautiful and desirable. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is true. What is considered beautiful in one part of the world is completely different from what is considered beautiful in another part of the world. It's even different from one part of this country to another.

The old saying, "You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a princess" is no longer true. Why kiss frogs when you can read hundreds of profiles and look at the pictures that go with them for a small monthly fee? That saves time and money... not to mention lip burn.

These are a few good reasons to consider online dating:
1. There is a wide range of men to choose from. You aren't limited to the men in your social circle or work environment.

2. You have the opportunity to get to know a lot about a man before you ever contact him for the first time. You will know his age, marital status, what city he lives in, whether he has children, his height/weight and his likes and dislikes all from his profile. You'll even see a picture of him.

3. You have a better chance to present yourself in a favorable way. This is especially useful for those of us who are shy. We have time to think about how we want to say things about ourselves and can avoid being tongue tied. Even those who are more extroverted can take time to reflect on who they really are before writing their online profile.

4. Online dating is certainly a time saver. You can meet so many more men in a lot less time than you ever could out in the real world.

Find an online dating site that fits your needs. Write a great profile and post a flattering picture. Start contacting eligible men on the site. Mr. Close-enough-to-perfect could be a few mouse clicks away.

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